Then the site is considered from a search engine optimization perspective. Under this new gaze, not only are the bells and whistles too much noise, but the technology platform the site is based upon is sometimes a liability. What site owners usually come to realize is that they would have been better off working from the basics, focusing on the best they could do with HTML
When it comes to search engine optimization, it is clear that text rules. This is because of the way the search engines trawl the web. Search engine crawlers have become increasingly sophisticated over the years, but their bias is still toward the format they began with, namely text. If you can fit all of your content into text within plain, text-based code, there's a higher chance that the search engines will understand your site, making indexing a little easier.
A solely text-based site is not entirely attractive to your human users, and there must be some balance. At the same time, your SEO
If your site is built entirely out of Flash, don't despair. SEO companies are able to work around Flash and other not-so-SEO-friendly technologies, and Google is constantly trying to improve the algorithm's relationship with web design technology. It is important, however, to be aware that the task isn't going to be easy.